All posts in Cosmetic Dentistry

28 Mar 2017

Dental Implants, Crowns and Bone Grafts Explained

This blog post explains the cosmetic dentistry treatments carried out by a Joondalup Dentist such as Dental Implants, Crowns and Bone Grafts.

What is a Dental Implant?
A dental implant usually made from titanium and is a root replacement for a missing tooth. This provides the foundation for your crown to be placed on.

What is a crown?
The crown is the enamel replacement of your tooth and it is the white part of the tooth that you can see in the mouth.

How many implants are required to replace all your teeth in a jaw?
Generally, this figure can range anywhere from 4 to 8 implants depending on the size of your jaw the quality of the bone and they type of teeth you choose (plastic or ceramic).

The cost of “all teeth on implants” is not dependent on the number of implants. This means we provide you anywhere from 4 to 8 implants depending on your individual needs.

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08 Mar 2017

Local vs Overseas Dental Treatments

This blog post highlights the benefits and differences in having dental treatments locally versus having them done overseas from Joondalup dentist perspective. There are many factors to consider, such health, safety, quality of the treatment and the understanding of risks involved undergoing dental procedures.It may be cheaper to do it abroad compared to doing the procedure at home, but you will have to consider the risks involved.

Overseas Dental Treatments

As travel has become a lot easier with more available flights at a low cost, having medical treatments overseas pose a health risk. Some of the overseas practitioners are not regulated and do not have the same strict health guidelines that we have in Australia.

1. Credentials

This is something that is so important to check. Most of these practitioners are not even licensed to carry out the procedures.
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04 Oct 2016

Mouthguard Now or Cosmetic Dentistry Later?

One of the best ways for “weekend warriors” who participate in sports to avoid needing cosmetic dentistry is to wear a mouthguard. Participants in nearly every organised sport, whether youth or adult, should include a mouthguard among their protective equipment.

Sports are competitive and people who compete in them always seem to think “injuries are what happens to someone else.” Unfortunately, no matter how careful you are, you are just as likely to be that “someone else” as someone else is.

Athletes don’t think twice about using protective equipment such as helmets or pads but seem to think a mouthguard is unnecessary. The Australian Dental Association recommends using a mouthguard in every sport that involves contact or possible contact with the ground, but a large number of Australians are resistant and ignore both science and statistics when it comes to protecting their teeth.

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